Thank you for your interest in Gŵyl CRIME CYMRU Festival, we’re looking forward to meeting and greeting all. While you’re in Aberystwyth, there are plenty of things to see and do. Here are just a few ideas.
The museum and the two libraries we are working with are working locations, and open to the public. While you won’t be able to wander around Amguedda Ceredigion Museum while the festival is on, if you have time before or after you will find a wealth of treasures there. For more information click here.
The two libraries are working as usual even while they kindly host our events. The lovely folk at Ceredigion Archives have even put together a trail about old Aberystwyth Crime and Punishment so you can explore some of the more criminally interesting facets of the area as you explore this charming town. Pick up your free copy at the Library and Archives Building, Canolfan Alun R Edwards ( the Old Town Hall). Here’s more information on the Llyfrgell Ceredigion Library and Archifdy Ceredigion Archives, see here, and for the Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / National Library of Wales, click here.
As book lovers, you will no doubt be interested in bookshops, Waterstones Book Shop is on the main street through town, and can be found at 27 Great Darkgate Street. Just around the corner, at 13 Bridge Street is Siop Inc, a lovely little independent shop. Siop Y Pethe sits on the first floor of the newly refurbished shop just opposite Terrance Road on North Parade. There is also the new The Bookshop By The Sea on Market Street. If you like second had books, you might want to wander down to Ystwyth Books on Princess Street (just around the corner from Siop Inc) or look in on the Oxfam bookshop on North Parade.
Should you be looking for a little relaxation and a drink, cocktail bar Y Bañera is just down from the museum. They are even offering a fantastic Gŵyl Crime Cymru Festival Cocktail menu!
Also worth a visit is Canolfan Y Celfydddau, Aberystwyth Arts Centre where they offer a huge array of events, comedy, dance, music, film and even science shows. Well worth looking into if you have spare time.
And always lovely, and sometimes dramatic, is the wonderful sea front and the Promenade. While the Dragon Parade will only be doing a short section of the Prominade from Castle Point to the Bandstand, there is more of it to walk and enjoy. A lovely and bracing experience.
There are of course many other gems within Aberystwyth, so it’s well worth having a look around.